December 1 Horoscope

As a Sagittarius born on December 1st, you seek adventure with a positive and direct nature. While others take comfort in familiar settings, you are most excited with new people, experiences and environments, which explains why you are in constant pursuit of adventure. Your friends and family love your adventurous ways, but they are truly inspired by your positive outlook. Your optimism never seems to falter, even in the face of the most negative circumstances. These qualities make you a highly sought after friend and companion.

Your sign's paired element is fire and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign to have mutable connection to the element. Your connection to fire makes you as adaptable and changeable as a wild flame. Fire's influence is made especially evident when you are met with a challenge or goal, which you will meet with fortitude and resilience. Embracing fire's positive qualities will become one of your greatest assets, but do not completely consumed in the flames of passion, as this will make you impatient and impulsive.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of your sign and as you were born in the first Decan, or part, of the sign, Jupiter's influence over your personality is twice as strong. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, which is reflected in your need for adventure, pursuit of truth and natural generosity. It is your unique planetary influence that makes you more likely to pursuit higher learning and unique experiences than the other Sagittarius Decans. As you pursue truth, you have developed a strong value for honestly, which explains why you are also more straightforward and blunt than other Sagittarius Decans as well. You will always be exciting and appealing to others, as long as you maintain your tact.

A natural communicator and thrill-seeker, your spirited personality is well-suited for a variety of careers. Your natural abilities for communication and fortitude may be a perfect world for business, sales, media or administration. Your compassion and intellectual interests may lead you to a career in education, lecturing or counseling. You may find that entertaining others is your true passion, which was the path of Richard Pryor, who was also born on December 1st. If musical expression is more your style, let the career of John Densmore, another of your celebrity birthday twins, serve as encouragement.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a mother leading her small child step by step upstairs. As you approach a higher step in life or work, follow your inner guidance. Although it is natural to be apprehensive about new steps in life, you can be surprised by your courage.

Here are a few Sagittarius celebrities born on December 1 and their past or present romantic connections:

Sarah Silverman (Sagittarius) and Jimmy Kimmel (Scorpio)
Julie Condra (Sagittarius) and Mark Dacascos (Pisces)

December 1 is associated with Birthday Number 4
December 1 is associated with Tarot Card 8 of Wands